Kamis, 14 April 2011

Security Network - Protecting System

Chapter III Protecting Systems

Hardening the Operating System
  Hardening the operating system to resist attacks is often a three-pronged approach that involves:
Managing updates to the operating system
Protecting against buffer overflows
Configuring operating system protections

Managing Operating System Updates
  Update terminology
The task of writing a secure operating system is daunting
Due to the increased length and complexity of operating systems
  Unintentional vulnerabilities were introduced and then these were exploited by attackers
  Update terminology (continued)
Security patch
  A general software security update intended to cover vulnerabilities that have been discovered
Hotfix addresses a specific customer situation
  Often may not be distributed outside that customer’s organization
Service pack
  A cumulative package of all security updates plus additional features
  Patch management techniques
Install updates automatically
Download updates but let me choose whether to install them
Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them
Never check for updates
  Patches can sometimes create new problems
  Automated patch update service
Used to manage patches locally instead of relying upon the vendor’s online update service
  Advantages to an automated patch update service
Can save bandwidth and time
Computers that do not have Internet access can receive updates
Administrators can approve or decline updates for client systems, force updates to install by a specific date, and obtain reports on what updates each computer needs
  Advantages to an automated patch update service (continued)
Specific types of updates that the organization does not test can be automatically installed whenever they become available
Administrators can approve updates for “detection” only
Users cannot disable or circumvent updates

Buffer Overflow Protection
  Buffer overflow
Occurs when a process attempts to store data in random access memory (RAM) beyond the boundaries of a fixed-length storage buffer
Extra data overflows into the adjacent memory locations and under certain conditions may cause the computer to stop functioning
  Attackers also use a buffer overflow in order to compromise a computer
  Basic defenses
Write “defensive” program code that will protect against these attacks
Use a programming language that makes these attacks more difficult
  For Windows-based systems, there are two defenses against buffer overflows
Data execution prevention (DEP)
Address space layout randomization (ASLR)
  Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
Most modern CPUs support an NX (No eXecute) bit to designate a part of memory for containing only data
DEP will not allow code in the memory area to be executed
Windows Vista allows software developers to enable NX hardware protection specifically for the application software that they develop
  Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
Randomly assigns executable operating system code to one of 256 possible locations in memory
This makes it harder for an attacker to locate and take advantage of any functionality inside these executables
ASLR is most effective when it is used in conjunction with DEP

Configuring Operating System Protection
  Most organizations take a four-fold approach to configuring operating system protections:
Security policy
Configuration baseline
Security template

Preventing Attacks That Target the Web Browser
  These attacks involve using:
Cross-site scripting

  Cookies are computer files that contain user-specific information
  Types of cookies
First-party cookie
Third-party cookie
  Cookies can pose a privacy risk
Cookies can be used to track the browsing or buying habits of a user
  Defenses against cookies include disabling the creation of cookies or deleting them once they are created

Developed by Netscape
Scripting language that does not create standalone applications

  Scripting language
A computer programming language that is typically interpreted into a language the computer can understand
  Visiting a Web site that automatically downloads a program to run on a local computer can be dangerous
  Several defense mechanisms prevent JavaScript programs from causing serious harm:
JavaScript does not support certain capabilities
JavaScript has no networking capabilities
  Other security concerns remain:
JavaScript programs can capture and send user information without the user’s knowledge or authorization
  The defense against JavaScript is to disable it within the Web browser

A complete object-oriented programming language created by Sun Microsystems
Can be used to create standalone applications
  Java applet
A separate program stored on a Web server and downloaded onto a user’s computer along with HTML code
Can also be made into hostile programs
  Sandbox is a defense against a hostile Java applet
Surrounds program and keeps it away from private data and other resources on a local computer
  Two types of Java applets:
Unsigned Java applet: program that does not come from a trusted source
Signed Java applet: has information proving the program is from a trusted source and has not been altered / miss used

  Set of technologies developed by Microsoft
  Not a programming language but a set of rules for how applications should share information
  ActiveX controls
Also called add-ons or ActiveX applications
Represent a specific way of implementing ActiveX
Can perform many of the same functions of a Java applet, but do not run in a sandbox
Have full access to Windows operating system
  ActiveX poses a number of security concerns
  Nearly all ActiveX control security mechanisms are set in Internet Explorer
  ActiveX controls do not rely exclusively on Internet Explorer
However, can be installed and executed independently
  The defense against ActiveX is to disable it within the Web browser
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
An attack in which malicious code is inserted into a specific type of dynamic Web page
Typically involves using client-side scripts written in JavaScript or ActiveX
  Designed to extract information from the victim and then pass the information to the attacker
Targeted to Web sites that dynamically generate Web pages that redisplay (echo) user input that has not been properly validated
  Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack steps
An attacker searches for a Web site that redisplays a bad login (See Figures 3-8 and 3-9)
The attacker then creates an attack URL that contains the embedded JavaScript commands
A fake e-mail is sent to unsuspecting users with the attack URL as a modified embedded link in the e-mail
The unsuspecting victim clicks on the attack URL and enters his username and password
  Defenses against XSS involve both Web masters of legitimate sites as well as users
Webmasters should check that all user input is validated and that attackers do not have the ability to inject code
They also should be sure that all Web services and database software is patched to prevent XSS
Users should never click on embedded links in e-mails

Hardening Web Servers
  Because of their open exposure, Web servers are prime targets for attackers
  SQL injection
One of the most common types of attacks
Uses a form of injection like XSS
Hinges/ turning point on an attacker being able to enter an SQL database query into a dynamic Web page
  SQL (structured query language)
A language used to view and manipulate data that is stored in a relational database
  Variations to the SQL injection attack
Deleting data from the database
Accessing the host operating system through function calls
Retrieving/ recover a list of all usernames and passwords

Protecting Systems from Communications-Based Attacks
  Communications protocols and applications can also be vectors for attacks
  Some of the most common communications-based attacks are:
SMTP open relays
Instant messaging
Peer-to-peer networks

SMTP Open Relays
  E-mail systems use two TCP/IP protocols to send and receive messages
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) handles outgoing mail
Post Office Protocol (POP3 for the current version) handles incoming mail
  IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol)
A more advanced protocol that solves many problems
E-mail remains on the e-mail server
Mail can be organized into folders and read from any computer
Current version is IMAP4
  SMTP relay
SMTP servers can forward e-mail sent from an e-mail client to a remote domain
  SMTP open relay
If SMTP relay is not controlled, an attacker can use it to forward thousands of spam e-mail messages
  The defenses against SMTP open relay are to turn off mail relay altogether
So that all users send and receive e-mail from the local SMTP server only or limit relays to only local users

Instant Messaging
  Instant messaging (IM)
Real-time communication between two or more users
Can also be used to chat between several users simultaneously, to send and receive files, and to receive real-time stock quotes and news
  Basic IM has several security vulnerabilities
IM provides a direct connection to the user’s computer; attackers can use this connection to spread viruses and worms
IM is not encrypted by default so attackers could view the content of messages
  Steps to secure IM include:
Keep the IM server within the organization’s firewall and only permit users to send and receive messages with trusted internal workers
Enable IM virus scanning
Block all IM file transfers
Encrypt messages

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks
  Peer-to-peer (P2P) network
Uses a direct connection between users
Does not have servers, so each device simultaneously functions as both a client and a server to all other devices connected to the network
  P2P networks are typically used for connecting devices on an ad hoc basis
For file sharing of audio, video, and data, or real-time data transmission such as telephony traffic
  Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and spyware can be sent using P2P
  A new type of P2P network has emerged known as BitTorrent
  Torrents are active Internet connections that download a specific file available through a tracker
-   Server program operated by the person or organization that wants to share the file
  With BitTorrent, files are advertised
  BitTorrent cannot be used to spread viruses or malware like traditional P2P networks

Applying Software Security Applications
  Software security applications that are commonly installed on systems include:
Popup blockers
Personal software firewalls
Host intrusion detection systems

  Antivirus (AV) software
Scan a computer for infections as well as monitor computer activity and scan all new documents, such as e-mail attachments, that might contain a virus
  If a virus is detected, options generally include cleaning the file of the virus, quarantining the infected file, or deleting the file
  The drawback of AV software is that it must be continuously updated to recognize new viruses
AV software use definition files or signature files

Popup Blockers
A small Web browser window that appears over the Web site that is being viewed
  Popup blocker
Allows the user to limit or block most popups
Can be either a separate program or a feature incorporated within a browser
  As a separate program, popup blockers are often part of a package known as antispyware
Helps prevent computers from becoming infected by different types of spyware

  Two different options for installing a corporate spam filter
Install the spam filter with the SMTP server
  See Figure 3-14
Install the spam filter with the POP3 server
  See Figure 3-15
  Another way to filter spam is for the organization to contract with a third-party entity
That filters out spam
  All e-mail is directed to the third-party’s remote spam filter
Where it is cleansed before it is redirected back to the organization
This can be accomplished by changing the MX (mail exchange) record
  A third method is to filter spam on the local computer
  Typically, the e-mail client contains several different features to block spam, such as:
Level of junk e-mail protection
Blocked senders
Allowed senders
Blocked top level domain list
  A final method of spam filtering is to install separate filtering software that works with the e-mail client software

Personal Software Firewalls
  Firewall, sometimes called a packet filter
Designed to prevent malicious packets from entering or leaving computers
Can be software-based or hardware-based
  Personal software firewall
Runs as a program on a local system to protect it against attacks
  Many operating systems now come with personal software firewalls
Or they can be installed as separate programs

Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS)
  Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS)
Attempt to monitor and possibly prevent attempts to intrude into a system and network resources
HIDS are software-based and run on a local computer
  These systems can be divided into four groups:
File system monitors
Logfile analyzers
Connection analyzers
Kernel analyzers
  HIDS work on the principle of comparing new behavior against normal behavior

  • Hardening the operating system is key in resisting attacks
  • A buffer overflow occurs when a process attempts to store data in random access memory (RAM) beyond the boundaries of a fixed-length storage buffer
  • Most organizations use a four-fold approach to protecting operating systems: security policies, configuration baselines, security templates, and deployment
  • Systems must also be protected from attacks that attempt to enter through a Web browser
  • Attacks can also be based on communications protocols and applications
  • Additional security-based software, whose sole purpose is to fend off attacks, is another important layer of security
  • A firewall is designed to prevent malicious packets from entering or leaving the computer

Thanks ............

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